Rules are having a tough time at the moment. Mostly set by those who know how to get around them, they are rigid and inflexible, with little room for discretion. Rules are the instrument of choice for power at scale. Rules enclose and are seemingly designed for those with enough money to hire expensive lawyers to subvert in their own interest.
Values are something else altogether - non-linear, they function as networks that cross boundaries, from organisations to countries. Values create connection rather than separation and enable permeable membranes rather than walls.
Rules determine who does or does not get on an aeroplane out of a war zone; values create connections that make sure they find another way out. A focus on results rather than process. Rules separate, and values join.
The stark difference between rules and values is clear when we look at them as verbs. Ruling others versus valuing them.
If we focus more on values, then rules become enablers, not borders. We do not need lawyers and expensive long, expensive inquiries to decide whether a value has been abused. Values connect people prepared to trust each other, rules, on the other hand, are based on the opposite assumption.
When our world is as volatile as it is, leadership based on values runs around leadership based on rules.
Artisans use rules to hold values. Managers use rules to exert power.
It’s a big difference.
This evening. 6:00pm UK, we have our regular “First Wednesday” open Zoom session.
Hope to see you there….