Some of the best insights arrive from places we least expect them to.
Such was the case this morning when Farming Today played a short piece on Drag and Trail hunting. In the piece, two comments in particular stayed with me. The first was that the hunters have no clear idea where they will be going, )even though a trail has been laid, and GPS would make a map a doddle as a supervision tool). It “makes it more interesting”.
The second was the observation by George Bowyer, Membership and Campaigns director of the British Houndsports Association, that “the hunters follow the hounds, and the hounds are in charge”.
It strikes me that most, if not all, publicly listed companies and many large organisations are similar. The executives get to dress in the smart clothes and the perks, but the hounds - the shareholders or trustees - are in charge.
We can make all the noise we want, and publish as many DEI and Sustainability policies as we like, but the hounds are in charge, and if that means ploughing through somebody’s field, so be it.
Organisations do not change of their own volition.
They get replaced by other organisations that the hounds prefer. Hounds follow the scent, not a map,
An interesting thought when it comes to who we think is in charge
Also, a great post on NoTosh this morning - “Clowns rely on statistics to do the thinking for them”. Well worth a read (3 mins)