We've been brought up and conditioned to working in organisations as what we do. It affects our status, our financial options and much else. The challenge I see is that conditions are changing faster than organisations, and the disposable variable is employees. The end result is that we need to make conscious decisions about the risk/benefit analysis of working for others, versus that of independence. It can be hard, particularly when we have debt based obligations and the HR hype is about "engagement", but whatever we do, keeping our independence options warm and tested is more than sensible.

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It's both a practice and a discipline too to say no to traditional stages of life and work. The world is not a benign and loving place when you know from a young age that most of what you have been told to think and do is based on widespread, entrenched illusions.

For those among us who chose other ways of learning and living, our priorities seem to be changing (or at least what has emerged from many conversations I've had in the last years) as we get older to wanting a minimum of financial ground beneath our feet and the maximum freedom to make our own decisions about how to flourish.

I'm also enjoying and finding "Act of being creative" by Randall E Huffman helpful in finding those pathways.

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