Reflecting on Ewan’s post — Not only did Miles Davis have improvisational skills to keep going… Did he also have/need confidence in himself and the music to make the adjustment seamless?

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I wonder whether there's a point where confidence gives way to unity, to make the transition unconscious?

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I don’t know…

I feel like history points to a solid “yes!”

If I have experienced it personally, I can’t say. You can bet I’ll be pondering the question today.

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“The trouble starts when we forget about our participation in the creation of harmony, of meaning. When we remove our agency in meaning-making, we start to think in absolutes.”

I came across this excerpt yesterday in The Marginalian newsletter.


The quote is from a book about herons called Something in the World Loves You by Jarod K. Anderson.

“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better.” ~Albert Einstein

Thank you Richard for today’s letter and link to the article about a “wrong” note.

“Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” ~Rumi

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I love Maria Popviva’s work. There's a dialogue space between our obsession with data, and trusting our senses that many find threatening- as though, if there's no evidence, they might be wrong. I think that's the space were working in…..

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