Very well said.

Andrew McLuhan, grandson of Marshall and son of Eric, at his LinkedIn page, offered this recently.

“...as James Joyce said of these man-made environments, when invisible they are invincible.’ To free ourselves from the invincible effects of our own programs of organized activity, it is necessary that we inspect the ignorance systematically engendered by our applied knowledge.”

—Marshall McLuhan, 1960

But how?

Well, often it’s a natural consequence of the introduction of a new medium. All of a sudden we, the fish, are aware of the water we swim in. We collectively discover all sorts of new things, new ways of seeing, of apprehending, of understanding. These are the new assumptions setting in, the new biases, from the new medium.

“The advent of a new medium often reveals the lineaments and assumptions, as it were, of an old medium.”

—Marshall McLuhan, 1960”

The same is true of leadership. For generations, we operated with the belief in the heroic character of the corporate CEO, the champions of industry. New technology reveals that they are small minded persons with ambitions limited to their own welfare. The Center of society that past generations believed in no longer holds it together. The Periphery breaks off creating multiple new Centers of belief and relationship - https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/as-the-center-does-not-hold-the-periphery. I am having similar discussions, ironically, not provoked by me.

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This made me smile. I am drafting my post for Sunday’s Outside the Walls post, and your comment here slipped neatly into it!

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