Thanks Caroline. I really appreciate the feedback; this is all an experiment in "not knowing' out loud rather than trying to assert some sort of "truth", as we each have our own. comparing our truths though shiles lights into ball sorts of interesting corners :-)

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Thank you. There’s a sense of them being written from conversation, as much as me writing them…

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I really appreciate your articles, Richard. So much food for thought on how we can advance on our quest to shape a more human workplace, and way of working.

I love this metaphor:

"Chat GPT has many of the qualities of a bright new employee in its ability to gather and parse knowledge, but less able to see where it will bump into the less tangible aspects of client work - emotions, histories and all the stuff of the complex relationships that make for sustainable business."

Thank you!

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Great article Richard with great questions. I particularly like “How might we design work to be in service of communities rather than have communities in service of work?" I think this is the next evolution in business

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This is one of the best posts you’ve had. Glad to walk the path with you.

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