The artisan is uncertain about what to do and how to do it. Not with who am I and can I do it? There is no actual failure, only the next iteration of discovery. And, if we look critically at many of the business self-help improvement books, they suggest all we need is plan to build confidence that is essentially a program of mind-over-matter. They sell well because hope springs eternal. The reality is that artisanship is hard work over a long period of time with the reward being the revealing of dogged character that never gives up, finds joy in little successes, and deeply appreciates the people who see the value and beauty in their work. I would not trade this life for early success that I must always try to replicate. The quest to unearth the unknown unknowns of our lives gives us a constant, yet unknown horizon, to shoot for. Makes life worth living.

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There's a tide (or maybe a worm?) turning. Organisations have become parodies of themselves - more "The Office" than the office. They have become institutions, and as Groucho said, "who wants to live in an institution?"

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Yes. I wish it wasn’t so comedic.

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