I was thinking n conversation with Johnnie Moore this morning, and the sense of the limit of analysis tools was clear. Sometimes I think we use tools as a defence mechanism against what we feel but cannot quantify about the work we are asked to do.....

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It's interesting isn't it? There's no IP, no technical wizardry, and no"training: involved in conversation - we just start where we are with what we've got. And it works, every time.

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Hello Scribe. The Eddy here. You know I hate labels. They marginalize people. That said, we really can’t get away from them. So, let’s reverse them. My marketing team for Circle of Impact wanted to know who the book was for. They were looking for an organizational title to be the marketing avatar. I said, “People who are in transition.” They didn’t know what to do with that. The public didn’t either. Five years later they are catching on.

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So much to like here Richard. I’m just picklng up on one piece here - where you talk about Cynefin, and our need to just “try things out.” This to me gets to the real power of conversations over any other form of collaborative engagement. I went into my current client project with a bag of models and workshop tricks and found that conversations won out every time.

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Every time John :-) models...can come later.

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Dave Snowden's recent Twelvetide series on characteristics of what makes us human really worth reading. Lots of nods and explicit links to craft and artisanship.

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Thanks Asha- just starting on that:-)

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Lots about nudging too 😉

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